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4 Home Remedies Face Mask Using Yogurt

Back on blogging! Well hello everyone & happy Thursday! I hope you guys are doing well with your life. Well, as for today's topic, I was thinking to make a post on how to make DIY masks I usually make for beauty purpose.

Anyway, all the recipes has been googled by me before and I did it myself for about 5 months back then. I hope this helps you guys in maintaining your skincare routine and make this home remedies as it is easier & save money!

Additional info, I actually love yogurt a lot. I would eat it just like that or even make it as dip for my bread. I swear it sounds weird but I really did that thing because yogurt is bae. Apart from eating, it is also good for our skin.

What are the benefits of using yogurt on our face?
Of course, yogurt does have lactic acid which removes the fine lines on our face. It acts as an anti-aging, which is good for our skin! Apart from that, it can also make our face glowing.

So today, I'd like to share with you guys 4 Home Remedies Face Mask Using Yogurt that I usually do for weekly routine, I hope this helps you guys a lot and enjoy my writings!

1. Yogurt with Turmeric Powder

1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
1 teaspoon of natural yogurt
Additional 1 slice of lemon cutting (optional)

1. Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder in a bowl.
2. Add 1 teaspoon of natural yogurt in a mixture bowl.
3. Optional: squeeze the lemon slice into the mixing bowl.
4. Mix the ingredients & apply on your face for 15 minutes.
5. Rinse your face with lukewarm water & dab your face with a clean face towel.

It can brighten your skin especially when you add  lemon in the mixture, but I suggest you not to put lemon on your face because it might be irritating to our skin which is sensitive to acidic ingredient. It depends on how your skin works but most of the beauty enthusiasts said that it is not advisable.

2. Yogurt with Coffee Powder

1 teaspoon of coffee powder
1 teaspoon of natural yogurt

1. Add 1 teaspoon of coffee powder in a bowl.
2. Add 1 teaspoon of natural yogurt in a mixture bowl.
3. Mix the ingredients & apply on your face for 15 minutes.
4. Rinse your face with lukewarm water & dab your face with a clean face towel.

Coffee helps in exfoliating which is important to remove dead skin cells. Apart from that, coffee also helps in anti-aging and tighten the skin.

3. Yogurt with Apple Cider

1 teaspoon of apple cider powder
1 teaspoon of natural yogurt
Optional mashed up banana

1. Add 1 teaspoon of apple cider in a bowl.
2. Add 1 teaspoon of natural yogurt in a mixture bowl.
3. Put the mashed up banana in the bowl.
4. Mix the ingredients & apply on your face for 15 minutes.
5. Rinse your face with lukewarm water & dab your face with a clean face towel.

Apple cider acts as exfoliator because it has alpha hydroxy acids which can remove dead skin cells. Apart from that, apple cider can also use as toner which can refresh your skin. In additional, you must know that apple cider is also helps in skin whitening especially for dark spots.

4. Yogurt with Green Tea

1 teabag of green tea
1 teaspoon of natural yogurt
A cup of warm water

1. Add the teabag into the warm water cup & take away the green tea leaves out of the bag, put it into the mixing bowl.
2. Add 1 teaspoon of natural yogurt in a mixture bowl.
3. Mix the ingredients & apply on your face for 15 minutes OR rub the mixture on your face.
4. Rinse your face with lukewarm water & dab your face with a clean face towel.

It can also acts as a scrub to exfoliate your skin, remove all the dad skin cells. Green tea gives a nourishing look to your face & it helps in anti-aging & detoxifying also. Apart from that, green tea leaves can help to clear pores.

ADDITIONAL WAY: You guys can add honey into those steps as an additional ingredients as we all know honey has a lot of benefits towards our skin but I did not love to put honey on my skin as it is sticky.

I hope this home remedies help you in getting a better skin. We don't need a pricey skincare when we can actually make it from home. It saves a lot, & the outcome is really amazing ISTG. You will feel the differences right after you did these home remedies.

Is there any home remedies above you used to make? Or any other home remedies using yogurt you would suggest me?


  1. I havent tried any of these yet. I'm pretty sure it feels good on the skin since the yogurt is cold. Right? I will try this in the future especially the yogurt and coffee one! 😊

    One of my home remedies is to mix oat and cocoa powder or oat and green tea, together with honey. Once it fully dry, I would massage the mask in the circular motion to remove it. It helps me a bit woth my oiliness on my skin.

    1. God, I have oily concern too but I never tried it before because I hate sticky honey 😭 but I read a lot the benefits of oat, maybe I can someday. Thank you for that!

  2. reading this post makes me hungry tbh hahaha

  3. selalu je malas nak buat homemade mask. usually guna mask beli kat drugstore je haha. but seriously nak try all these! x

    erin x | oh, erin writes

    1. For beauty purpose, I sanggup berperang dekat dapur for the mask 😂

  4. tak tahu kenapa rasa sayang je nak buat mask sendiri using all the stuff you can find in the kitchen so selalu end up beli ready made punya or sheet masks T_T

    Lenne Zulkiflly | Blog

    1. Petty things mcm tu I memang tak sayang, sebab I lagi sayang muka I 😂😂😂

  5. i love to apply maskers on my face. i like yang creamy2 or yang jenis keras tu. not really into sheet masks tapi kadng2 pakai juga. now kalo rajin boleh buat sendiri kan =D

    1. Omg you should try these masks. Senang cepat mudah jimat

  6. Thanks for sharing a such a good natural remedy of yogurt which you showed how many ways we can use yogurt for face beauty....keep sharing such good and result oriented remedies.

    Health and Nature

  7. Yogurt + turmeric homemade mask is the best ! I used it before when I had my major breakout and it really really helps. Subtract the lemon tho

  8. FUN! I need to try these on my next "me day".


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