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Review : Silkygirl Magic BB Cushion

Well here's a thing : as you guys know that I really, really hate to put on foundation to my face, so I always change my BB or CC cream products, eventually. Then I decided to choose something that is full coverage with light texture just to make sure my skin can breathe well.

I asked my friends what 'thang' should I use instead of foundation? I wanted something with light texture, matte (obviously). So, my friends suggested me BB cushion - it sounds good but why the hell I never wanted to try it from the beginning.

Well actually I tried once, using UGB Korean..... skincare... (maybe, I don't remember) that my father bought from Korea. But, that BB cushion available at Sunway Pyramid so forget it. I gave it to my mum & never touch it later because my mom said that's hers so okay lah.

Then one day I scrolled my carousell timeline to look for makeup stuff, I found out that some carousellers re-sell May******'s BB cushion because they said that the texture isn't good but I don't remember which type of BB cushion it is, then I turn back time to the old days that I fell in love with Silkygirl's product so I went to the Watson the next day to find out how the Silkygirl's BB cushion is like.

Fortunately, there was a promoter in charge for silkygirl's product there, so she explained to me well about this BB cushion & she tapped it on my hand. Yes, let's start talking about how I'm in love with this texture, instead of M's product.

(This is from my own personal experience, my personal view)

Packaging : Well, there's the brand name, with the name of this product that comes with nude colour of box (which is my favourite colour) and at the back of the packaging, it tells the user the details about this product. Not to forget, the ingredients!

Well, it comes with 2 shades - 01 Natural Light & 02 Natural Medium which is quite darker, so the promoter suggested me to take the Natural light shade since it suits my 'sawo matang' (not too light & not too dark) skin type.

Oh My God, the casing of this BB cream made me fall in love with it. I mean, it's in white, my favourite stuff colours besides pink. It looks simple but classy. That is just the casing. Talking about the inside part, it comes with the puff sponge & of course, the BB cushion fill at the bottom part of it.

At the back of the casing itself, it includes the shades of this BB cushion with it's functions. The casing is quite simple & nice but it is fully detailed. Thumbs up 👍👍

Hey! Not to forget, it also comes with the mirror on the inside with full-size of the casing itself. I can even see my pimples there I guess. Okay, let's move on. 

There, you can see that the protective film is also provided just to make sure that this BB cushion does not dry easily as it is sticked to the compact. Well protective!

Details about this product

  1. The price is below RM 50. I bought it at Watsons for only RM 43.11 (with 10% offer)
  2. It can be found at any drug stores like Watsons, Guardians, AEON Wellness - and even online websites!
  3. It is created to suit Asian's skin type - sawo matang

So here's are the pros & cons that I can see & feel through out the time I use this Silkygirl Magic BB cushion 


  • It is full-coverage with light texture
  • It is affordable (since it's under RM 50!)
  • It is not really sticky compared to BB cream & BB balm I have tried before
  • It is moisturizing
  • It can act as makeup base
  • No powder needed after wearing this
  • Long-lasting up to 12 hours
  • It doesn't make my face oily even under a hot sunny day


  • It is not compatible, the size is too big to put on my small clutch
  • The edge of the puff sponge is quite sharp
  • The sponge is not puffy at all
  • It does not include the refill pack (or even sell the refill pack)

Overall, I can say that this is a great bargain since I do love it so much! Have you guys ever try/tried any BB cushion from any brands? How does it feel like? Do you prefer BB cushion or something else?

P/s : You know when I am so malas to take out my dslr, I just took this photo using my phone & put the stuff on the carpet instead of a proper background 😝


  1. anis suka pakai bb cushion than foundation jugak :)

  2. @ANIS NABILAHYeah right, at least kulit boleh bernafas

  3. biasa pakai silky girl punya fresh powder je. maybe I should try this later hehe

    1. Hahahaha I used that before but the new innovation stole my heart

  4. Mrs. A suka pakai silkygirl fresh powder yang ni belum cuba.
    Template blogger ke nih?
    Cantik dan menarik, tertarik ;-)

    1. Silkygirl is so friendly dengan my skin.

      Yesss it is xD Dalam progress edit lagi. Takde masa nak edit

  5. read a lot of good reviews about this! rasa nak try jugak la :D

  6. And now they even sell the refill pack at drugstore...thumbs up

    1. Woww, sounds nice but my upcoming post will shock everyone

  7. The bb cushion refill is now available tho yayy

  8. Perlu pakai moisturiser lg tak ye? Sbb nmpak mcam all in one..moist, foundtion(not sure) dn ade concelar jga... Utk ttp cela...

    1. Skincare & makeup are 2 different things. Banyak mana pun moisture agent dalam makeup, skincare is a must. Moisturizer wajib by hook or by crook

    2. Owh ok... Just moist n bb cushion tu ckup? Or prlu powder lg like mineral pwder maybe...klu sy nk beli, turutan sy pkai cleanser, toner, serum, moisturiser,bb cshion and powder...can like that? No need foundtion, right? Sorry...

    3. Yesss, cukup je. For me, I kalau nak simple I tak pakai powder sebab dia memang matte finish & perfect. Tapi kalau I nak extra, I akan pakai powder untuk smooth kan lagi. But honestly, tak pakai powder pun cantik sebab dia tak cakey lansung. Yess, turutan tu betul but don't forget to apply sunblock before makeup! Foundation tak perlu, bb cushion ni dengan foundation sama je, beza dari segi coverage. BB cushion for lightweight use.

  9. Kak, kalo untuk neutral undertone lebih cocok natural kight atau natural medium?

    1. Undertone tu macam mana eh? Sebab kalau kulit sawo matang standard malaysian, medium is the perfect one. Choose one colour lighter than your skin, but make sure not too light on you

    2. Yes medium i tgok artis Indonesian pun pakai natural medium yg no 2 tpi klau u betul putih melepak mcm Chinese amik no 1

    3. Hi. I memang kulit sawo matang sikit, tak terlalu cerah tapi I tak juga gelap & I pakai no 1. It suits me well sebab BB cushion ni takde lah cerah sangat. When you choose a makeup base, makesure it is one colour lighter than your face tone. I pakai tak kelabu, just bleand well dengan kulit i.

  10. Memang terbaik la BB CUSHION pakai yg 02-Natural Medium...Memang sesuai la dengan kulit untuk make up simple..

  11. Eh sis klau kulit sawo matang X kan amik natural light ��sllnya org akan amik no 2 atau 3 since bb cushion ny mmg cerah sy beli no 2 pun cerah. .Not 1 tu utk org kulit putih melepak mcm cina tu ha klau sawo matang pkai no 1 X ke jadi kelabu no 2 pun dah cerah

    1. Hi sis. I memang pakai no 1, tak cerah lansung pun silkygirl punya. Blend well with my face tone. I memang tak cerah, tapi i takde lah gelap sangat. Normal melayu tone tapi i memang pakai no 1 and tak kelabu pun. Sebab masa i dab dab no 1 pun, masuk je dengan my skin compared to no 2 & even the promoter pun suruh I ambil no 1.

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