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Mr. Dakgalbi Restaurant Review

Have you guys ever been here before? Well, I found out something really exciting at AEON Mall Bandaraya Melaka that are... Mr Dakgalbi & Boat Noodle is coming in here! I don't have to go far because AEON is really just around the corner to my house!

Well, actually I had Mr Dakgalbi 2 days before I went to Rembau. My ex-employer treat almost all of us for working hard during the Eid Festive. This is the only chance for her to treat her workers, and here we were.

We did not know how to order it & seems like all the workers ignored us. They doesn't seems really busy but, I don't know. Do we have to call them to take orders? Do we just need to wait & they will come? Self-service ke???

Not long after, my ex-employer called a worker & ordered the menu by herself since we all did not know how to choose, what to choose, what's good, and actually she doesn't know either. She just picked anything she thinks is worth for all of us to eat.

Source : Mr Dakgalbi Facebook

Here's the menu list. Basically, we ordered Fried Rice Set for 4 pax and add ons another plate of fried rice & Ramen. 

We ordered Fried Rice set because we wanted to see the staff cook in front of our eyes, instead of some other menu that they actually cook inside. LOL?

So, here it is.....

To be really honest, i don't know whether it is just me or everyone else feels the same thing or nah, but the tastes are so-so. I mean, my own cooking skill is better, I guess, I can cook a better fried rice, anyone wants to hire me?

They mixed the cheese along with the rice but I am nowhere looking for the cheese tastes... and more thing, they only mix the rice with the cheese & chickens, like is that it? For this price? Ugh.

The ramen tastes better than the fried rice eventhough they are using the same ingredients but maybe it goes better with ramen rather than rice.

Most of us ordered Ice Lemon Tea & we actually got only canned drinks that costs RM 4. Thank God I don't have to pay a single penny.

This is the picture after we tried our best to finish all but... there are so much left because I'm full to max. Actually, we are full to max. Ughh

Overall, I can say that it's not worth the money at all. The meal costs RM 183.00, it's not worth at all. I would rather go to any hipster cafe that costs me RM 20+ a plate of western's & makes me full.

My rate for the FOOD : 2/5

The decoration of this restaurant is just okay, same goes like other restaurants, so I will give it 4/5

But girl let me tell you this, there are 2 Korean workers (I guess so) or maybe Chinese guys but they look so Korean & they are soooo handsome so having bad food is not the point. LOL. I am being serious. 

Btw, I am so into K Fry Restaurant but it is nowhere in Melaka, looking forward if they want to launch K fry somewhere in Melaka.

Have you been at Mr. Dakgalbi? Or do you feel like you want to try it? Let me know, guys.


  1. Pernah try sekali dkt Setia City Mall ! Tp tak kena dengan tekak. so agreed la dgn rate yg u bagi ;)

  2. I tried Mr. Dakgalbi twice in Malaysia and I think the taste was not that bad. Maybe because I tried at different locations.

  3. tak pernah try. hari tu nak try dekat ipoh tapi tak halal pulak.

  4. never try before...the rate below average..hurmm..

    1. That's the rate that basically my friends will give

  5. Went to Mr Dakgalbi twice ! Still rasa dia biasa biasa je. Yes macam tak worth it. Even moi ada tekak Korea sikit2. Cheese dia memang tak rasa apa. One more cheese ring dia cepat keras and biasa je. Tak enjoy nak makan haha

  6. I have not yet try Mr. Dakgalbi though, the restaurant is quite near to my house but I don't know, I guess the restaurant is not really attract me much and I heard that many people review it at average of 3 stars.


  7. I am woring at mr.dakgalbi aeon bandaraya :)
    Thank you for review.
    감사합니다 :)

  8. Funny review, especially the part about the cute Korean boys ;)

  9. Yesterday was my 15th time eating at Mr. Dakgalbi. Tempat usual mmg dkt Solaris, Mont Kiara sbb dah try merata and most of them either service sucks, portion kedekut, tersangatlah pedas or no free sparkling water, branch dkt Solaris is like 5/5 to me. Portion banyak, owner (korean couple) sangatlah friendly, chili paste tak pedas, and cheese dalam nasi goreng tu berhantu sbb meleleh and bila dah sejuk, it crumpled with the rice. Sangat lah disappoint with your experience at Mr. Dakgalbi. I would give them 1/5 if I were you too.

    1. OMG why it sounds totally different with what I experienced. I would totally love it kalau dapat service mcm tu. Whats going on here T_T

  10. dah try yg kat melaka. suka fried riceeeee... cheese je kureng..muak rasa hehehe

  11. Really a useful post for all of us. You covered complete guide.


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