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2017 Must-watch Movies


Happy New Year! 2017 life!!! Well, a lot of things happen during the early of 2017. However it is, I feel thankful that I finally moved to another phase, adult phase! No more teen years, & I hope something higher in this year because I don't want the same thing happen to me all over again.

Well, on 2017, there will be some exciting movies! Do you know that? Do you even have checked the lists of 2017 movies? Well, I found out this lists at twitter & I guess the movies are quite interesting. It makes me feel so excited  😎

I can say that I'm not really into movies. I don't really like to watch movies. And I really don't like to watch movies on the internet or on my laptop. I prefer to watch it at cinema. That is because I don't feel like enjoying the movie. But I don't know why I am getting so excited to watch this 2017 movies. 

I hate horror movies because I am scaredy-cat but I always wanted to face my fears by watching it. Even though the horror movies freak me out of the hell, they are still interesting to watch. I bet, Annabelle 2 is going to be freaking awesome.

I've been waiting a long long time ago to watch Beauty & The Beast which starred by Emma Watson, the goddess of beauty. I bet that movie would be so interesting & I really can't wait for the day to come! Because all of the princess fairy tale, I can say that Belle (the beauty) is my most favorite princess among all. I also can't wait to watch World War Z 2!!! OMG why the 2017 movies are freaking interesting. And guess what, Despicable Me 3 is also on my must-watch list hahahaha.

Who can't wait to watch 50 Shades Darker? Well, the movie is quite interesting you know, not because of the hot scenes but the plot of the story itself. I've watched the trailer of this movie & yeah, the extras in this movie is going to rock the cinema for sure! You must watch the trailer so that you know. Not to forget, Pitch Perfect 3 y'alls!

So, what are you guys' must-watch movies in 2017? Share with me & maybe we can have movie date? If only you're Malaccan hahaha

P/s : I have just signed up to tumblr for my assessment purpose but if you want to read how my study week by week goes, you can check it out my tumblr here.


  1. I CAN'T WAIT FOR BEAUTY AND THE BEAST TOO! lol, I'm not really up to cinema because I can't concentrate :') (em decided since the last time I fell asleep there while watching horror movie)

    but cinema would be the best place to enjoy movie with super good sound system XDDD

  2. I'm looking forward to watching Pitch Perfect 3. I keep repeating Pitch Perfect 1 & 2 countless time already 😊

  3. @faten.banana Hahahaha yknow what, cinema is the place where I won't & will never sleep at xD

  4. @Syaza Raihanah I watched PP 1 but not PP 2 & now getting excited for PP3. Weird ha -.-

  5. Huwaa soo many amazing movies coming out this year but I can't watch all that because there's no cinema in Perlis (& i'm broke) ;-; Watch them all for me~

  6. So many movies i want to watch!
    Top one is the maze runner!

  7. The Maze Runner, 50 shades darker, beauty & the beast.. Too many movies, too much money to be spent.. Q_Q

  8. @LeoLiek seriously no cinema in Perlis? Not even one? I'll watch them for you then xD

  9. @atheera dayanaYeah right, Maze Runner is not one to forget

  10. I can't wait for the all the movies too especially the death cure and avengers movies :)

  11. Paling tak sabar dengan Maze Runner tu, fuh. Cepatlaaa. hahaha.

  12. Can't wait for the Valerian and the city of thousand planets please share the link to watch Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017) online
    . Based on 28th century it is a very awesome movie.


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