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What I'm Up To Lately

It's a good time to post something because I am finally on my study week! I wonder how time flies so fast because I just thought I was registering for the college on the first week & now I'm at study week? What did I do in this whole semester smh.

Well this post is just to sum up things I'm up to lately. To be really honest, a lot of things happened to be from personnel to social life. It's also to things that I saw on social media, where people talk about stuff that I personally think it's a good thing to share. 

But first, I would like to remind you guys that my post will be a bit view from myself, any opinion by others I would not deny, but this will be positively written. 

Won the 1st Runner Up for Women Individual & 3rd place for team

Well, few weeks ago, there was a pre-family day for my residency. It was a bowling game. I took part in it because my dad told me so, so yeah. I was teamed up with my father and elder brother so my team won the 3rd place for it. It's still worth it even though we did not win the 1st or 2nd. Plus, for individual score, I get the chance to grab the 1st Runner Up trophy! I'm not too good, but I'm good 😂

HON4TN50 went well!

Well, on my subject Event Management, we all have to conduct an event & at first, our idea was 'Mediart' which a combination of Media & Art however we have to change it due to request from this person. It is regarding the TN50 if you ever knew it. On the day, everything went very well and I am so proud of my team!!! If you ever see #MCEVOLVE17 on twitter, it is! #HON4TN50 was actually a slot on #MCEVOLVE17 that was conducted by my class. 

Should I talk more about it? It was a dialogue session to require aspirations from students or youths. It will be sent to TN50 group for any further action. I will not tell you much about it, unless I am in a good mood to post it on a post! Oh wait, HON4TN50 was actually Hope of Nation for TN50. xD

Me on a magazine cover?

Can you believe this?

I know I'm good *good vibes* hahaha but please don't trust picture. Well,it was designed for my final project on Graphic. How do you rate this? I personally rate this 5/10 like how someone did. But graphic student rated me 3/10 hahahahaha should I cry should I happy or what. This is not easy to fill all the requirements your lecturer wants but whatever, again, I think I'm good.

Psychopath Housemate that anti-Muslim?

I am done with this. I am very very done. How am I supposed to live with someone who said bad words and mention all Muslims? How am I supposed to face her btw? What have people done to her til she become like this? I don't even know her personally, but she always make a mess in her room, now that I am glad that her roommate moved out. It would be dangerous if she was still there. I have tried my best to act like I did not know anything, I did it. But still, she scares the hell out of me.

First Presentation is okay........

Well, for my first presentation which is Modern Issue subject on the 13th week, I think I did well with my groupmates, however, we are given only 15 minutes, which we could not make it. The time is up when we are at the middle of our presentation, however I hope that the marks won't effect that much. I feel so lucky to have such members, they are very supportive as this is my first time to team up with them.

My younger sister did well for her PT3!!!

I am a proud sister here hahahaha even though my sister did not get straight A's for her PT3, I think her result is already too good enough. Well, look at her sister lah (nah, I'm joking) but I do feel so prod of her. However, my parents celebrated it without me..... I was at Rembau...... Is it a joke?

My short-term memory is getting worse

Well, this happens a lot to me. My friend handed me RM 10, she said she borrowed my money once. I was like... "when?", when she actually borrowed more than just RM 10, she said she will pay the rest later. I am soooo weird when did I lend her money, I never knew. Then there it goes, I supposed to be fasting for 3 day. It's ruined. I forgot. There was this one day I ate lunch at 6 when I actually should be fasting, BUT I FORGOT, AGAIN!


Jonghyun's dead is Suicide? Why people commit suicide if it's reasons come from the public anyway. Is it all about depression? Have you ever feel depression yourself? Well, not to say, sometimes too much stress can lead to depression. I was in that situation once when I have family problem, financial problem, social problem and education problem all at once. I cried in the middle of the night, but I keep it to myself, and even this one person make a joke on my depression. They did not know what I hid from them, they only see the happy me. Okay done. 

Friends and their common sense

I don't know how to say this, because they are all my friends. Yeah, we rarely contact each other but we all know ourselves well. However, how can someone has no common sense at all? I don't want to talk a lot about this, I know we all raised differently but please have considerations when it comes to something. I am not your friend if you are not my friend.

Done with week 14

Week 14 is the most hectic week after all. I have Final Test for Graphic, Event Management presentation, Publishing presentation, makeup quiz for Advertising and report submission for Comm Research. It was a total mess. I mean it. You never know how mess my room is like. I don't even have time for myself and my room for sure, and even do my laundry. 

Sooooo what you're up to lately, my readers?


  1. I'm currently mencari mood study sebab takde study week :((

    1. Seriously takde study week? Whtever it is, goodluck!

  2. Scary to read about the psychopath housemate. T_T I hope she does not do anything physical to you. Be patience and pray that she will get the right point of Islam. :)

  3. wah jadi cover mag. hehe..btw cantik je design nya


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